Bombergrounds: Battle Royale


Bombergrounds: Battle Royale is a free-to-play multiplayer Battle Royale game inspired by old-shool Bomberman games. Players compete against each other playing as animals in island matches in an adorable but violent world where only one animal will be left standing. Matches are smaller than other battle royale games, consisting of 25 people or less. However, the battle royale themes are still there, with players competing on a large map that shrinks over time.

The combat in Bomberground is chaotic and fast-paced, requiring players to place bombs, gather power-ups, and even face each other one on one in melee combat using bats. The bats are useful in other ways as well, allowing players to punt bombs at their enemies from a distance.

The game offers plenty several social features – including a friends list and chat – and allows players to team up with their friends to assure they’re together on a map. There is also cross-platform support for mobile and PC players, and controller support for those who need it. And yes, characters can be customized – including their weapons.

Additional Information


Bombergrounds: Battle Royale


Battle Royale




Giant Duck Games


Giant Duck Games

Release Date

March 07, 2020

